Thank you for your generosity and partnership.
PVEC’s ministry is not sustained by any institution. We exist because of the faithful support of our friends and family.
Our tithes and offerings reflect a grateful heart that desires to give back to God a portion of what God has given us.
Your tax-deductible donation helps us continue to connect with the community, grow disciples, and serve Jesus Christ.
Click “Donate/Love/Gift”  below to start your online donations!

PJs and Books for CASA Once again this year we will be collecting pajamas and books for CASA SHaW. Many times these foster children leave their homes with whatever they are wearing. The purpose of the pajama and book program is to help children facing challenges to to get a healthy night’s sleep so they can thrive. CASA is in need of pajamas for newborns and 3 months as well as larger sizes (14, 16) for both boys and girls. We will be collecting the pajamas and books starting November 3 – November 24th.