There was a wedding in Cana of Galilee

Image: Procession by John August Swanson, Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Art in the Christian Tradition
and the mother of Jesus was there.
Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.
The wine gave out halfway through the feast
and Jesus’ mother said to him, They have no wine.”
Jesus said, “But what concern is that to you and me?
My time has yet to come.”
But his mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
Standing nearby were six stone water jars,
each holding twenty or thirty gallons.
Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jugs with water.”
And they filled them up to the brim.
He said to them, “Now draw out and take it to the chief server.”
So they took it to the chief server
and when he tasted the water that had become wine
he called to the bridegroom and said,
“Everyone serves the good wine first and then the cheaper wine
when the guests have become drunk.
But you have kept the good wine to the last.”
Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee.
And he revealed his glory and the disciples believed in him.
~Paraphrased from John 2 by J Philp Newell (Celtic Treasure: Daily Scripture and Prayer, William B Eerdmanns Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, 2005), 181.
Have you ever given out halfway through? Out of energy. Out of patience. Out of confidence. Out of luck. Out of joy. Out of hope.
Have you ever felt not good enough? Not smart enough. Not good looking enough. Not thin or thick enough.
Have you ever felt empty? Lost. Numb. Alone. Stagnant. Stuck.
Are you thirsty?
Then you must be a guest at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.
It’s a feast. A gala. A rockin new years party. And for all of us introverts, there are side rooms where the music isn’t so loud and there is room to walk around and sit for a while, you can even take a nap!
And Jesus is doing what Jesus does best; serving up the Good Wine, the Abundant Life, grace upon grace.
He really is pretty indiscriminate about it. He knows everyone’s name. Boldly calls us each “Beloved!” No guest goes unattended. No sooner than you take a sip and boom – your glass is full again!
With Jesus by your side you can sing and you can dance, no one’s gloomy or complaining…. the lost are found, the empty are full, the down and out are lifted up, the despairing are given hope, and the thirsty … all are given the Good Wine.
This is Cana Grace!
And my friends, the invitation is open and all are welcome; this party never ends.
All you need to say is “YES!” and the door will be opened.
So come! Come and experience Cana grace – your cup will never be empty – your plate will always be full!
For Jesus is waiting for you to arrive.
Say “Yes!” and let your hearts be filled to the brim with love.
Jesus, with You by our side, we always have enough and we are always good enough. You have shown us how your grace can turn emptiness into fullness and the ordinary into the extraordinary. Today fill us full to the brim with gratitude and love, so that it overflows and touches others who are thirsty for the Good Wine. Amen.