Food Packing at Sussex County Food Bank
Each month a small group of us from Panther Valley Ecumenical Church goes to the Sussex Co. Food Bank to help pack food for several different outreach programs. We have become a very efficient and dedicated team that shares a desire to support these numerous programs throughout our community. In addition to helping them, our own Lord’s Pantry has received generous donations of food that have been a big help in keeping our own pantry shelves stocked. For me, the best part has been working closely with the many caring people who share our concerns. It’s been a fun and rewarding experience.

As in Henri J.M. Nouwen’s booklet,
Spirituality of Fundraising, Panther Valley Ecumenical Church has developed a relationship with Sussex County Food Bank that is mutually rewarding. I know I have made many new friends who care as deeply about helping others as I do.

I look forward to the 3rd Thursday of each month. It is the day that I volunteer to pack food at the Sussex County Food Bank.
I am grateful and happy that in my small way I am able to help provide food for needy people and families.
Also, while packing food, I enjoy the togetherness and warmth of all the volunteers and workers.
In doing our monthly packing, we have become closer as PVEC volunteers, have given assistance to the regular packers in Newton, and have received generous donations for our own food pantry. It’s a win-win for all involved and a highlight of every month for me. We are truly blessed!
Peace, Cylvia
On my first visit to the food bank I was overwhelmed to think that so many individuals and families in our area needed this assistance. I look forward to my monthly trip to pack food and that GREAT feel good feeling knowing that I am helping others through this vital ministry of our church.

I like to help with food packing because I’m helping families who do not have food on a daily basis.